Sunday, January 17, 2010

They Were The Ones Who Were Mad

"Hunter was a different animal. He seemed to gain strength from rakish marathons. I am certain he learned the secret of maintaining a drug-racked body from an old Indian in the Appalachian mountains. He learned the balance between living out on the edge of lunacy and apparently normal discourse with everyday events. Whatever reaction he adopted towards a situation, whether it was giving a hell-raiser speech from the interior balconies of the Hyatt Regency Hotel in San Francisco or firing a Magnum .44 at random into the night in front of strangers, he would always convince those around him that they were the ones who were mad, irrational or just plain dumb and he was behaving as a decent law-abiding citizen."

- Ralph Steadman, from the book The Joke's Over: Memories of Hunter S. Thompson

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