Friday, October 15, 2010

Stealing Great Ideas From Other Charities

Actor and comedian Ben Stiller, using the simple name Haitian School Initiative, is raising money in an effort to help provide temporary schools for Haitians displaced by the earthquake on January 12, 2010.

“Our goal is to help kids get back in school as quickly as possible,” said Stiller. “Schools are a safe haven for kids in times of crisis, and are instrumental in delivering not only education but also health care, nutrition and other critical services.”

Stiller visited Haiti in the summer of 2009 and committed to building a school, providing clean water, and improved agriculture in Cévérine. Following the visit he launched Stillerstrong, a fun campaign, in partnership with Causecast and the Global Philanthropy Group, the motto of “stealing great ideas from other people’s charities to build a school in Haiti,” to raise money for the project and enlist the support of others. He produced a series of viral videos involving President Clinton, Lance Armstrong, Robert DeNiro, Owen Wilson, Ryan Seacrest and others who rallied around this important cause. This campaign has raised more than $300,000 including a generous contribution of $100,000 from Bulgari. This represents a significant amount of funds needed for the school. Stiller partnered with Save the Children on the Cévérine School project.

Learn more and donate at

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